The power of action

There are so many possibilities in life. Avenues to embark on or adventure down. Things to learn. What better way to confirm or deny these things than via taking action? Contemplation leaves us still in an unknown state, Action confirms or denies. At the time of writing this, I am 31, I am proud of the journey I am on and how I see it helping other people. Is that not a definition of success? When we can help others. It means we have obtained something valuable and that is what I aim to do, to become as useful as possible towards people’s health and lifestyle. I aim to enable other peoples skills to be accelerated via my skills.

Action is honestly terrifying. It takes risk, and rarely offers rewards; it takes courage to constantly do the things you don’t want to do but know they need to be done. People do not see the hours, they don’t see the failures and character that is developed in the process to get back up. But every failure leads to new understanding. That understanding grows knowledge and leads to wisdom. When I read ancient texts they talk about the age of wisdom being in your 50’s - 60’s; when you have seen enough that you see the big picture and what matters. The truth is, the quality of people around you and the quality of health is your true Gold.

I know the payoff for this journey will mature in years to come when other people’s lack of action catches up to them. It’s not a judgement, it’s a fact. It may be due to a persons circumstance that never allowed them the opportunity to embark on this adventure, but at that point, i’m grateful to help.
When I talk to older clients I always hear “I wish I had”. That is something that I hope to never say. The adventure of always telling the truth to the best of my knowledge, looking like a fool in the times my ignorance catches me out; but the feeling of satisfaction when I understand and it makes sense.

Visualise what you want. Then ask how to get it. Take action to achieve these things one small step at a time and keep moving forward. The truth is, most people will give up. If you can last longer, then you win by default; but at that point, you keep going as the actions, the discipline and then skills start to take over. So I want to encourage you to do the things you know need doing. Don’t be afraid to ask questions over and over again as it’s how you grow, but ask them wisely. If your questions don’t return the answer you’re looking for, learn to ask them differently. Apply the lessons learnt in the failures and you’ll never lose.

Read, contemplate and then reassess each year everything you know. Because as you grow, your previous years of life experience will be based on an old foundation and new foundations need to be laid. Its uncomfortable letting things go as its familiar, but that is how things grow. We trim and guide in the direction we grow so that energy and life isn’t wasted on resources that don’t matter.

Last but not least. Honour the journey. Do your best with what you have and be proud of that. Be inspired by others, but don’t compare. We never know someone else’s journey.

All the best taking action. I look forward to hearing what you discover.


Your Mindset Frames Your Reality