• Jake Bryant is an individual with an endless amount of curiosity towards all depths of life. Jake’s passion is in health and encouraging others through conversation, accountability and systems to achieve more in their day, to better be prepared for the future, while contributing to the community to achieve more. With 7+ years as a fitness coach working through longboarding accidents, ankle reconstructions, having lost his Father to A heart attack, walking alongside his Mother through Cancer and finding that so-called balance of prioritising all things life; Jake knows that without health, all is lost. He understands the importance of a strong mind, strong body and strong spirit. He has managed F45 gyms, worked in events and tech for 12+ years, run international conferences, runs an international ministry, studied coding and business, has a passion for music, loves to study, and above all, lives a simple life with a high expectation of the simple things. Being an only child gave him the competitive advantage that if he wanted it, he had to get it. From travelling the world for work observing how different cultures do life, and observing what’s important deep down beyond life’s so-called “expectations” and how best to go about things, Jake spent his 20s learning and now as he begins his 30s he wants to build and share in the hope to inspire, encourage, help other overcome and see people get the most out of life. Preventative Health Management’s “Way Of Strength” is the outworking of this. Conquer and learn about yourself, then look after your family, then take on the world.