You create the conditions for your body to thrive in.

Nutrition, Rest, Recovery; They’re worth your time.


First off, i’m not a qualified nutritionist; I’m a coach that eats a natural and balanced diet of earth made and grown foods and try to stay away from man made foods. I aim to get a certification to credit my findings and research to science based facts.

From what I’ve seen over the years that concerns me most is the health system is designed to kick in when something is wrong, not structured around how to be healthy and be strong.

That being said, there are some very basic factors that can change our bodies composition and overall response to muscle recovery, stress, sleep, digestion, gut problems and mental health. My biggest reccomendation for people is do be diverse in their foods and eat as close to the original source as possible while covering protein, carbs and fats.

Cut out the human additives (balance is important too, we all love that cheat meal) or processing and get back to a raw diet. Food prep can be fun and cost-effective while providing a whole range of nutrients that the body requires. Our digestive system is sophisticated and one of the most important factors as it delivers nutrients to the whole body via the bloodstream. It affects our skin regeneration, muscle recovery, hormones, and so on. So what you put in, you become. Personally, I want to be as strong, sharp and on point as I possibly can. Don’t you? So make a choice to benefit yourself, your family and those around you. Nutrition gives your body the fuel it needs to do what it does best and not second guess you. When you have a healthy relationship with your mind, body and gut, I believe you can achieve anything you desire.



What does this look like in todays day and age?
We’re subconsciously taught to be busy all of the time, and so many people live in a stressed state of being.

So, learning to rest is a skill, be it mental rest, physical rest or rest from our environment. There are many things that we need rest from and i’m not using this as an excuse for people to be lazy, but an opportunity of awareness to be efficient.

Our body works best when we’re in a balanced state of mind and body and we’re best to excel when we priorities things that matter rather than being reactive.

So don’t be afraid to take a break from these things and be aware of how you interact with them. Quality of sleep is also extremely important. If your waking during the night it may be the foods you’re eating before bed, or the tension of muscular imbalances that you’re holding onto. But the body does some of its most important rest in this stage.


Simply put. Taking the appropriate duration of time to allow a part of the body to grow, recover or relax. I will talk more about the headspace and mindset later, but understanding the different signals that the body sends to let you know you need to rest is vital. These signals feel different depending on what is lacking in the body. A lot of this is awareness and we will dive into this in the Mindset page. But it comes down to priorities and values. And these change as we grow as individuals and our priorities change. Nutrition however, plays an enormous part in this. If we eat terribly, then the body will have to use resources from other parts of the body to provide, and we’re being twice as inefficient. You can effect your headspace by what you eat; wake up feeling tired as the body didn’t recover properly. Our digestion is directly effected by what we eat and in return this determines what makes it to our bloodstream and other parts of the body. So be aware, make it a priority and chip away at the small steps that allow you to grow. Over time you’ll feel like you know nothing, but its more than you did, and it gives you awareness of how amazing the body is and what it does to keep you alive and functioning healthily.