Concepts of health.

We should be aware of many areas when we look at our health. It’s a paradox; it’s simple but so complex. Start broad and gain awareness around areas of your health, then deep dive and educate yourself. Start with what captures your interest o lock in the habit, and then approach areas out of routine where there is less interest, but still as vital. You’ll start to build a network of components that make “health” work as a whole and build an understanding of your body full of respect and awe.

It’s like a car; many parts have a function, and without one part, it wouldn’t work as well or at all. The more you start to learn about the function of those parts, the more you start to understand the body as a whole. How you can add tools, upgrade and make things run more efficiently.
Learn what type of car you’re driving and what parts you need more. Are you mentally, physically, environmentally affected more often, etc. How do you add strength and support to areas that may have been neglected over time and what does that look like?

Don’t forget to look back in a year’s time and reassess your new foundation to see what your capacity now is, as you would have grown and this is something that needs to be celebrated.

I like to be aware of the below components and then when I start to get out of balance, I can understand the signals that my body is giving me due to the knowledge and time that I have spent educating and caring for myself to know my own language and body sensors.
You have to understand that factors contribute both ways. Mind to body and body to mind, and then also your environment etc. Are you aware enough of who you are and what you walk in to prepare in advance for what you’re stepping into and being prepared rather than reactive? There is also a spiritual component that I believe plays a massive factor in our overall well-being also.

So let’s look at these areas. It’s going to be a lot but stick with me.
Cardio, reflexology, weights, explosive movements, tempo work, H.I.I.T, endurance training, your family, your friends, your workspace, your environment, your mindset, your conversations, your words, your neighbourhood, your space, your nutrition, your gut, your blood work, your sleep, your education, your genetics, sunlight, nature, your finances, your investments, and family legacy.

These are just a few, and each of these can all be expanded. And in many cases, you’re walking in multiple areas of these at any given point. But do you know when you need to shift your focus, when to go pedal to the floor, or when to rock a Sunday cruise? Can you communicate these things effectively with yourself and then others to help them understand what it is you’re feeling? Do you know when you are physically strained vs mentally and how the approach to care differs, or what to reduce or increase to offer the support?

We have a sophisticated dance that is called life, and health is tied in majorly.
So I hope this makes you ponder, consider and expand your awareness to grow. Because if you don’t govern these areas, something else will have to compensate. And that’s a dangerous game to play. Trust me, been there, done that.


As we get older we should be learning.

As we age we should be getting better at adapting and like a good whisky; “get better with age”.


Your Mindset Frames Your Reality


Defining Progress